Mallorca taxi Uber


Palma de Mallorca airport. Mallorca taxi uber

When we arrive at a tourist site, such as Mallorca, we wonder what is our most suitable means of transport for our needs.

We arrive in mallorca

Our plane lands and we arrive at the airport,

we wait for our luggage,

we pick it up and leave the terminal towards the departure parking lot,

the holidays await us in our hotel, apartment, tourist accommodation or at a friend’s house.

The way to get to our destination is varied and can be of different types and prices.

Exorbitant price differences

mallorca taxi Uber

The client has the freedom to choose the means of transport that best suits them and adapts to their needs.

We will explain why our taxi service is cheaper, more reliable, safer and is not subject to the demand and supply of the Uber market.

The advantage of our service is that you can book it in advance from your home on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. You will know at all times what the service will cost you.

You will be able to book baby seats at no additional cost and your price will remain the same, even if there is a higher than usual peak demand at that time.

This is the biggest problem with platforms like Uber, they raise prices when demand is very high, which often happens at our airport. Overwhelming peak demand.

minivan taxi transfer

taxi transfer minivan 7 pax

In addition, the cars used by this platform or another platform are small, narrow cars and are often not authorized to enter, in certain areas of the cities of Mallorca.

The cleaning of Uber cars is often poor. Unmotivated drivers and low salaries influence the cleanliness of the vehicle.
Our cars are cleaned daily and are in good condition.


Price difference

Sometimes there can be price differences of up to €100 per trip,

however, with the taxi the price does not change.

Our attention is personalized, we wait for you at the meeting point with a sign with your name, you can pay in cash or by card and now also online when you make your reservation through our website.

Why do you want to spend so much money on a trip and on a car that will not be able to give you the secure payment options and child seats?
Examples of contrasting prices.

Alcudia your taxi Mallorca: €85 4 pax

Alcudia with Uber: €150 4 pax

You decide, it’s your money, don’t be fooled by platforms that don’t even pay taxes in your country and don’t benefit the local economy.

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